My Grandson just turned 2 and we had a circus party. Of course my mind went crazy with ideas for this. Here are just a few of the items I made for his party using the cricut.
and of course here's the birthday boy himself with his sweet sister who's trying to show him how to do it.
Discover how to make accents, cards, and 3-D projects with the Close To
My Heart Cricut® Artiste cartridge. It's easy to learn with the simple
instructional booklet and assembly booklet!
That's Right - 3 Great things Close to my Heart is offering in August!
Free Exclusive Tote Bag! August 2012 Constant Campaign
When a new Consultant joins Close To My Heart in August they will receive an exclusive Damask Tote Bag for FREE (retail value $50)! This offer has limited availability. This offer is good for both the $49 and $99 New Consultant Kits (while supplies last). Sign Up Here!
Dates: Offer valid August 1, 2012 (9:00 am MDT) – August 31, 2012 (11:59 pm MDT)
Close to my Heart Fall / Winter Idea book is available.
Great New Products including a New Cricut Artise Cartridge.
Don't miss out on getting your copy today.
It's easy place a $25.00 order and you can have one for FREE.
National Stamping Month September 2012 Constant Campaign
To celebrate National Stamping Month in September, we are bringing back our popular double stamp set promotion! You can get the exclusive, new My Acrylix® It’s Your Day double stamp set for just $5 when you place a minimum order of $35 in full retail products from August 15 through September 30, 2012. You’ll love this double set—two D-size sets in one envelope—which includes nearly 50 trendy images that makes it easy to capture the everyday moments in your life. The double set has a retail value of $35.90, which drastically increases the value of your qualifying purchase! Have twice the fun stamping during National Stamping Month with our new, exclusive It’s Your Day double stamp set!
Dates: Offer valid August 15 (9:00 am MDT) – September 30, 2012 (11:59 pm MDT)
Oh Yeah! Don't forget about the Stamp of the Month.....
Baroque Borders:
August 1 - 31, 2012
Get this stamp set for $5.00 with any order of $50.00 or more
Contact me for any of these 1, 2, 3 Reasons to Love Close to My Heart
We had our 2nd kids scrapbooking club. If you are interested or know someone who would like to joing contact me for more details. Check out there great creations!
Have you ever watched Supermarket Sweep? Oh, I so loved
that show and just knew I would rock and roll it if ever given the chance to run
through a store grabbing anything I could!!
Can you believe that Close
to My Heart gave me an opportunity to run through the CTMH Warehouse to do
exactly that!! Those were 3 of the most chaotic minutes I've ever experienced
and you truly don't even realize what you're're just trying to grab,
and grab, and grab!!!
I worked closely with my "advisory team" (my
daughter Mandy and wonderful friend Lorri) to design the best possible attire
for my shopping spree!!!
We bought some
clothesline hangar wire, but I was concerned it might be a little too flexible,
so we added a little "braiding" to give it more stability!
We found the largest
sweatpants Walmart had in stock and wove the wire through to provide me a
"hula-hoop" type structure (but flexible so I could stuff it into a suitcase!
(So surprised I wasn't given any issues getting through airport security!!)
We added suspenders so I
could have plenty of "hands-free" shopping...can you envision the old-fashioned
clown costumes...but of course mine is wayyyy cuter!
A little bling and CTMH
lettering to add that special "uniform" feel to it!
And finally some bubble
paint to spruce it up (thanks Mandy!!)
Check out the fabulous
"video" Close to My Heart put together to commemorate my wonderful experience!!
It was such a whirlwind, but the funnest experience EVER!!! I totally went in
with a strategy to get embellishments, embellishments and embellishments...I
could grab handfuls, and they'd be "light" despite hundreds of them!! But then
they gave me a pretty cart, so I felt compelled to go for some paper and
such...oh the joy and chaos! It was a BLAST!!!!
I'll admit, when you're running
around like have no clue what you're grabbing!!! Your hands are
reaching into a box and about the time you register what it is you've grabbed,
you've already grabbed it so might as well take it! (So I came home with 9
Snapease 12x12 Album Systems in my random!!) But you're not
thinking, you're just grabbing!! I'm sure I ran past multiple Cricut
Collections, but didn't see a thing...uggh!! But hmmmm, over $4,000 in
embellishments, papers, Cricut mats, Desk Pads, and
Afterwards, I was taken up to the Executive Conference Room
(yes, inside the walls of Close to My very exciting!! And created
some layouts and cards designed for me by the Art lucky can a
girl get?
Do you see all the
beautiful Cricut shapes...cut and ready to in love with our
I was even given a CD of
all the pictures taken of my Day O' Fun!!! And would that finish it off, uh
uh...I was able to leave with 2 completed layouts (with pictures), 6 beautiful
cards, AND a send-off wouldn't be complete without a fabulous dinner at the
Cheesecake Factory...YUMMMY!!!
To celebrate National Stamping Month in September, we are bringing back our popular double stamp set promotion! You can get the exclusive, new My Acrylix® It’s Your Day double stamp set for just $5 when you place a minimum order of $35 in full retail products from August 15 through September 30, 2012. You’ll love this double set—two D-size sets in one envelope—which includes nearly 50 trendy images that makes it easy to capture the everyday moments in your life. The double set has a retail value of $35.90, which drastically increases the value of your qualifying purchase! Have twice the fun stamping during National Stamping Month with our new, exclusive It’s Your Day double stamp set!
Hope everyone is enjoying there summer activities. I did something very interesting that I thought I would never do. I went Zip Lining in the Great Smokey Mountains. I was pretty scared. Went down a total of 9 lines. I am so glad my friend challenged me to step outside of my box and try something new. Had a blast and would do it again!
Learn how versatile Close To My Heart's My Acrylix® stamp sets are that are included in our Workshops on the Go® La Belle Vie, Dakota, and Moonlight scrapbooking kits. You'll love using them for all kinds of projects!
Close to My Heart has made it even more affordable
to start your own business as a Close to My Heart consultant. For just
$49 plus tax and shipping, you can join my team and become your own boss!
Get $130 in Products You’ll receive
everything you see above, (also listed below), plus access to online training,
projects and support, and personal mentoring from yours truly. Whether
you plan to join for the personal discount, or decide to pursue a full-time
career as a Close to My Heart consultant, or somewhere in between, the choice is
Tote! Get this fabulous bag absolutely free when you join my
team this month. It’s a backpack, and a shoulder tote, and it will
hold your 12x12 albums and pages, plus tons of supplies. It’s only available
while supplies last, so it may sell out like hotcakes. Don’t wait! For
answers to any questions, contact me anytime!
Essentials Kit ($49) includes:
Avonlea Complements Canvas Shapes Workshops on the Go™ Avonlea
Scrapbooking Kit My Creations® Recipe/Photo Box Color-Ready Canvas
Alphabet Chocolate Exclusive Inks® Pad Slate Exclusive Inks® Pad My
Acrylix® Glamour Lowercase Stamp Set My Acrylix® Perfect Fit—Frames Stamp
Set 3" x 3" My Acrylix® Block 2" x 3½" My Acrylix® Block Current
Idea Books (qty. 3) Hostess Order Forms (qty. 5) Customer Order Forms
(qty. 5) Close To My Heart Color Swatches Autumn/Winter 2012 B&T
Duos® Sampler Petite Perks™ Nature’s Delight Incentive Stamp Set
Ready to join my team and become a Close to My Heart